The Holy Temple was in three parts but it was still only one Temple.
It had the Outer court, the Holy Place and then the Holy of Holies.
The Outer Court had vessels of brass, the Holy place had vessels of silver and the Holy of Holies had vessels of gold. (We are earthen vessels that need to be refined.)
It had areas for the various believers, the priests and then the High Priest. (Outside were the unbelievers.)
Jesus said he was the way, the life and the truth.
We all have a body, a soul and a spirit.
An egg has a shell, the white of the egg and then the yolk.
There are three forms of water - solid (ice), liquid and clouds (gas) but it is still water in any form.
There is one Lord (Father), Jesus (Son) and Christ (Holy Spirit) they too are still one in any form..
In John 21:15-17 Jesus said their were three kinds of believers - lambs, sheep and sheep.
There are three kinds of unbelievers goats, dogs and pigs.
Some believers are 30 fold, some are 60 fold and some are 100 fold.
G-d contols only the spirit, G-d controls the spirit and the soul, G-d control the body, soul and the spirit.
Some are born again and baptised in water, some are baptised in the Holy Spirit and some are refined with true baptism (Mark 10:38-39)
There were three Annointings - Lepers, priests and Kings.
There are three parts to heaven - Paul was caught up the the third heaven.
In Revelation 16:19 there are three parts to Babylon that must be destroyed along with hades, death and everyone not written in the Lamb's book of Life.
There were 12 Tribes, then one Judah and then one Jerusalem.
There are some who are saved/called, some who are elect/chosen, and some who are very elect/faithful.
First, we overcome by the blood of the lamb, second, the word of their testimony and then third, those who loved not their lives unto death.
There are servants, guests and friends at the wedding feast. Father is also there with the Bride and Bridegroom.
Some vessels are created for a common purpose some for a noble purpose and some are created for destruction.
Not everyone wears a crown in Heaven, Not everyone will reign with Jesus. In Psalm 84:10 we read: "For a day in thy courts [is] better than a thousand. I had rather be a doorkeeper in the house of my G-d, than to dwell in the tents of wickedness." Some of us will be asked to come up further - some of us will be asked to go lower. I just want to be there. The above divisions found in the Old and New Testament basically are used to show the degree of surrender and commitment the various kinds of believers have made to the Lord Jesus Christ and/or their crucifixion (lack) of self.
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